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>> Home >> ImmuniVir 90's

ImmuniVir 90's

90 capsules
by Viral Therapeutic Tech

Categories: Biologics, Immune support
Retail Price: $89.99, Your Price: $79.99 (You save 11%!)
Buy 6-11 of this item, and your price becomes $75.99 each! (You save 16%!)
Buy 12 or more, and your price becomes $71.99 each! (You save 20%!)

This item is temporarily out of stock.

What is it?

ImmuniVir contains in each capsule Activated Humic Acid 250 mg
Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline Cellulose, Vegi-cap.

According to the manufacturer:

“The Keragenex™ Extraction Process-Immunivir’s exclusive proprietary modality-not only guarantees the Highest Quality Humic Acid Extract available, but also produces a unique molecular structure that maximizes the binding and chelating properties for which our material is known.”


Use caution if pregnant or nursing.

See Disclaimer.

Suggested Use

Take one or two capsules twice daily before or with meals. May be used as a tea.

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