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2023/3/3 - d-Limonene 1000 mg 60 capsules is temporarily out of stock.

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>> Home >> All Categories >> Ayurvedic Formulas

Category: Ayurvedic Formulas

11  Items in Ayurvedic Formulas. Ordered by Name Ascending

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#ItemShort Description
Ayur-Curcumin (Turmeric)
by Douglas Laboratories
90 capsules
MSRP: $29.80
Our Price: $29.80

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The spice of life?
by Douglas Laboratories
100 capsules
MSRP: $24.40
Our Price: $24.40

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For internal cleansing.
by Ayush Herbs
60 vegetarian caplets
MSRP: $34.50
Our Price: $34.50

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For traditional Indian cardiovascular support.
by Progressive Labs
90 capsules
MSRP: $23.50
Our Price: $23.50

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Used In Ayurvedic medicine for over 2,500 years.
Gymnema sylvestre
by Ecological Formulas
60 capsules
MSRP: $13.95
Our Price: $12.60

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Gymnema sylvestre has been used for centuries in India for blood sugar.
Holy Basil
by Nature's Way
60 capsules
MSRP: $14.99
Our Price: $13.49

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In India it is called "The Incomparable One."
by Himalaya USA
90 capsules
MSRP: $20.95
Our Price: $19.95

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Recognized by thousands of health professionals as one of the most effective liver formulas, with beneficial effects reported in over 300 studies on a variety of cases.
by Pacific Health Sciences
60 tablets
MSRP: $39.99
Our Price: $32.95

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An ancient Ayurvedic formula for cardiovascular health.
Padma Basic 180's
by Padma, Inc.
180 capsules
MSRP: $89.95
Our Price: $76.45

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Padma is an ancient Tibetan camphor formula which is highly effective and one of the few to survive the destruction of Tibetan culture perpetrated by the Chinese government.
Padma Basic 60's
by Padma, Inc.
60 tablets
MSRP: $34.95
Our Price: $29.70

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Padma is an ancient Tibetan camphor formula which is highly effective and one of the few to survive the destruction of Tibetan culture perpetrated by the Chinese government.

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